Friday, April 11, 2014

The Joys of Geezerhood

I am now a sexagenarian. I like that word. It sounds sexier and more distinguished than living fossil. Living in a country that violently recoils from, repudiates and denies ageing, I think it might be fun to some up with some good things about getting old. So here is a short list. I'll add to it from time to time under the same heading. Feel free to leave a comment if you have one or more you would like to have added.

  • You can't die young.
  • You know what comes next - not much.
  • You might discover the important difference between loneliness and solitude.
  • Odds are, you don't have a mortgage and no one is going to give you another.
  • You get tired of stuff and accumulating it.
  • As all the news is about the same as 40 years ago (just new names and places), you no longer have to care about current events.
  • You don't have to care much how you look because old people are invisible in America.
  • Lifetime warranties are shorter than ever.
  • You can say anything you like and then claim not to remember and maybe not even be lying.
  • No one expects much from you.
  • You no longer have to worry about getting old.

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