Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Home To What?

Home from the asphalt seas. Six days and 600 miles. Mobi, 240,000 miles and all, ran like a Formula One car the whole way. You just need faith, and one of the few things I believe in is Mobi.

Didn't catch any fish to speak of, but I had a great time and great company. I'll call that a success.

The question now is now what. I am officially retired. No more wage-slavery.

The actuaries say I have 18 more years. What to do? I have some ideas, but what I need is a plan.

Hopefully, that will take shape soon.

Stay tuned.


  1. I see you have freed yourself from FB. I am off this week. When do you want to come over for dinner. Nothing special, just hanging out.

  2. Forgot contact info, email me at crstihl@yahoo.com
