Saturday, May 3, 2014

Political Correctness

I loathe political correctness. One wonderful freeing aspect of being out of teaching is being able to reject that vile, dishonest culture, to be able to call a spade a spade.

Political correctness has poisoned our language, thought and actions.

A few examples:

  • Chairperson -Logically, a chair that can walk and talk. A word without balls.
  • Person of color -  The PC way of saying "colored person," which without the preposition is somehow racist.
  • Woman/Girl - Even females can't exactly define this distinction. From now on they are all females to me, or bitches, whichever is true.
  • Challenged - Actually means crippled, feeble or stupid. Taken to absurd extremes. Fat people are weight challenged. Right.
  • Feminist - a word so debased by feminists that they can't define it. See females and bitches above.
  • Multi-cultural - What was wrong with "many cultures?"
  • Diversity - A cover word to hide the fact that different races, cultures, religions etc. often hate and wish to exterminate each other, but we must never mention that, ever. Hence, diversity is a good thing.
I could go on endlessly. Lucky for you I'm tired and won't. But there will more to say on this later.

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