Saturday, May 3, 2014

Wage Slavery

A wage slave is anyone who trades their time (life, soul, individuality, freedom) for wages or a salary. That would be at least 90% of working Amerikans. I have spent my life in this pernicious servitude. I'll bet you have too.

The rationale for this is that you have been brainwashed to believe that getting that money to buy stuff is essential to happiness. It isn't.

A wage slave submits to drug tests, background checks, credit checks, forced physicals, etc. He is told when he has to be where and for how long. He is told where or if he can smoke. He is told when he can eat or take a break. He punches time clocks. He is watched, monitored, evaluated, disciplined. He is owned. And then he is supposed to be thankful for having a job.

All this has been brought to you by the usurers and their consumer capitalist cronies.

Actually, chattel slavery was a far more honest institution. A black slave knew he was a slave. We don't. We have been propagandised into accepting this horror as normal or even good. That's why chattel slaves constantly revolted, but Amerikan wage slaves never will. We are too busy buying more stuff and paying the serpent usurers. And thinking how lucky we are for getting the crumbs that we get.

The 26th is my last day as a wage slave. After that, I will never take any work that involves wages or salary. Fuck the masters. I'll work under the table or as a 1099, but never again will I sell my time.

Like Scarlet O'Hara, I swear...

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